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My interview with Mystk Knight

Mystk Knight an interview with Zak Hardacre


Hi Zak. Thanks for inviting me. :) I’m not sure I should submit to your questioning knowing how well-versed you are in interrogation techniques but let’s live dangerously, shall we?


Why did you decide you wanted to become a writer?

I suppose a large part of the reason is I’ve been entertained by so many wonderful writers over the years that I thought I would try my hand at giving back a little of the pleasure I’ve received.


What was the thing that drove you the most to do so?

I’ve had a love affair with words since the 11th grade when I was fortunate enough to be taught English by an extraordinary man named Jack Hodgins. He’s a renowned Canadian author who has written many books including Spit Delaney’s Island, The Master of Happy Endings and A Passion for Narrative. His obvious love of the English language was infectious and, happily for me, I’ve never been cured.


How long have you been writing?

I started writing seriously a year ago but have dabbled on and off my entire life.


Why did you pick the genre/s that you have?

It’s always easiest to write about a subject that you’re passionate about and who isn’t passionate about sex and love?


Who is your favourite character, and why?

My favourite character that I’ve written? I’m not sure I’ve written my favourite character as yet. Certainly, I’ve become invested in my characters and have an affinity for them but I can’t say that one is a favourite over another. That would be like asking a mother to choose their favourite child. It’s impossible and morally wrong.


Do you have any particular quirks when writing?

No, not really. At least none that I am aware of.


What does your family think of your work?

While my family is aware that I write, and some are even aware that I write in the erotica genre, they have not read my work nor have we discussed the content of my work. My daughter, who has expressed an interest in becoming an editor herself, is horrified by the idea that her mother writes erotica and has flatly refused to engage in it in any way.


Do you belong to any writing groups? And, if so, what do you think are the pros and cons?

I am lucky enough to belong to an eclectic group of authors, yourself included, called “The Wicked Pen Writers” whose works and links can be found on the website of our benefactor and host, Mr. Ashton Blackthorne, at The enormous amount of information, support and general camaraderie enjoyed within the WPWs are definite pros. A con for me is my lack of time to contribute much to the group; it leaves me feeling a little guilty much of the time.

As well, I have recently become a full-fledged, card carrying member of the “Erotic Authors Guild” but I am so new to it that I can’t yet comment on any pros or cons associated with being a member of the Guild.


How do you deal with writer’s block?

First of all, I don’t buy into that term. I think it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, if my progress on a particular story bogs down or I struggle with where to go next, I’ll leave it and move on to something else until inspiration hits.


What would you say is the most difficult part of writing?

That’s easy. Finding the actual time and/or motivation to sit down and write. In my “real” life, I work full time as a paralegal, 40+ hours per week, so, after a day at work drafting pleadings, contracts and correspondence, the last thing I’m motivated to do is sit down at a computer, again, and write. I tend to write most effectively on weekends or while on an extended break from my job.


What do you enjoy the most about writing?

I love watching a story evolve. I am a pantser (one who writes off the cuff) not a plotter, so my stories tend to take on a life of their own. I’m most often left feeling as though I’m a conduit for the words - a passenger along for the ride.


Where do you find your inspiration?

Humm, good question, Zak. A photograph, a piece of music, a memory, even a scent can inspire me. I take my cues from my senses.


Are your characters based on anyone you know?

Absolutely not, other than the one vignette I wrote and published on Mr. Blackthorne’s site called D’Artagnan. That one is personal. The remainder of my characters are purely fictional.


What do you do in your spare time to relax?

Relax? What’s that? As an author, you must appreciate that we never relax. Our minds are always grinding away on the next scene.


What do you like to read?

In the past, I always loved to read science fiction fantasy, mysteries and action/adventure stories. Then my daughter suggested I read Jacqueline Carey’s Kushiel series, an erotic fantasy series that turned out to be so spellbinding, I couldn’t put it down. It was the initial touchstone for other works of erotica for me.


Who is your favourite author?

Zak, that’s like asking who my favourite character is. It’s an impossible question to answer. Every book I’ve ever read has provided a new world to explore, new characters to unravel, new challenges to overcome.


Where are your books available?

I have yet to publish any of my books though I anticipate one may be published by the time this interview goes live. Rigger “The Trial” is the first novella in a trilogy that is set to be released sometime this month on Amazon.


What are you working on right now?

I’m working on Rigger “The Bequest” at the moment, which is the second in the Rigger trilogy. It will be followed by the final book in the trilogy, Rigger “The Submission”. Hopefully then I will be free to return to my original full-length novel Numbers and finish it.


What is your ultimate goal?

I’m not really a goal-oriented person. I tend to drift through life a day at a time, taking what it has to offer and savouring it instead of spending my days striving for some future goal I may or may not ever achieve and, in the bargain, neglecting my present.


Do you have a favourite film? And if so what is it?

I feel about “favourite films” the same way I feel about favourite characters, books and children. I take each one as a masterpiece in its own right and enjoy each one on that basis. Some I do watch again and again for various reasons, not the least of which is they evoke some strong response or emotion in me.


Mystk, thank you for your time today, I have found out so much more about you. It was an insightful interview, and one that I think readers will enjoy. Thank you for being so honest and sharing a bit of yourself with us.

Thanks again for having me, Zak. It has been a pleasure. Your questions evoked many thoughts and memories for me, some of which I haven’t thought of in a very long time.

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Former British soldier, turned erotic author. I will post any recent book releases, and extracts of works in progress. Keep up to date with what naughty things I am up to. I hope you enjoy the ride

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